Thirty-six. Somehow it feels a little better to spell it out rather than just throw out the numbers. And since that number is now my age, I'm just going to go with that. Or maybe I should just make this the first anniversary of my 35th birthday and adopt this as my new approach to birthdays.
I'll skip the commentary on how I can possibly already be this age, and certainly won't brooch what will happen in just 4 little years. For now I'll just post the pictures and be so grateful for a SUPER FUN birthday celebration! Oh...and please note The Bachelor inspired pouf...that was just for Laura and Tracy!
The girls looking oh so lovely.

Lynsey, Julie, Tracy & Laura

It's a MOOSE! I tried to stand on a bar stool to get a little closer for a better photo, but for some reason the management didn't feel like that was a good idea. I thought they were worried about my safety...turns out they were worried that I would somehow hurt the moose. Nice.
Just a glimpse of a very fun night. I have to say that when I climbed into the cab at 1:30 I was very aware that I'm just not as spry as I once was. It's a good thing that 50 is the new 30...that makes me, what, about 18? Oh, how I do enjoy the new math.
Thanks again to those of you who joined me and made my day so special!
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