I know.
I've been a little MIA lately. Emphasis on the A part. I feel like a character in a cartoon action movie where they just show a blur zooming across the screen with virtually no detail. The good news is that my blurry little world has been the source of much bliss lately as I have kicked off the summer by having more fun than I can remember in a long time. I actually feel like I did when I was kid and it was the last week of school.
In a word? GIDDY. And I'm a fan.
And of course, I've embarked on all this fun with camera in hand. Here are a few pics of the past couple of weeks.
With Lindsay at the lake Memorial Weekend:

At Abel's on the Lake...I feel certain this will be my summer hangout. I like to call this one "pretty in pink" (in a completely non-pejorative way, of course):

More fun out on the town with LG:

I spent the past week in Dallas and got to enjoy three of my all time favorite people, Wendy, Suzy Q and Darla:

More fun in Dallas with Brandy, KK and the other Mel:

One quick story to go with the photo gallery. I spent last weekend with Wendy, also known as the world's best hostess. Seriously...it doesn't get much better than the accommodations at Casa Bryan, complete with fruity drinks by the pool and chocolates on my pillow. Not to mention the hours of fantabulous girl talk.
When I was with her amazingly sweet family I kept laughing at how what my brother started so many years ago has stuck. I mean really, Jason, I've got to hand it to you.
Because these two beauties? Yeah. They call me Ms. Moose.
And I'm not going to lie. It makes me smile every time.
Now...off to have more spectacular summer fun!
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