No...the title not my way of telling you that I'm packing it in and heading North. Nor it it my way of telling you that I'm trading in my southern drawl for the likes of "aboot" and "eh." It's my way of saying that there was a little extra spring in my step this morning because my favorite guilty pleasure is back for a new season.
That extra spring in my step, by the way, is completely metaphorical. I was pouring caffeine in my eyes to stay awake today because I stayed up so late watching Jillian meet the 30 men who showed up in Hollywood to sweep The Bachelorette off her feet. And did you notice that she corrected Chris Harrison every time he said "husband"? Is it too much to hope that she might actually have realistic expectations for a TV dating show?
So here's the scoop--I love writing about the bachelor(ette) almost as much as I love watching it with Laura and Tracy. But I can't commit to weekly commentary this season as I did for the wretched Jason Mesnick (oh, our girl Melissa is getting such sweet revenge on DWTS, isn't she?!).
I'll be traveling about 75% of the time this summer, so most of my time with Jillian and the boys is going to be courtesy of the DVR. And the weeks that I'm around I'll have a conflict with my Bible Study. And yes, I do sort of feel compelled to pick Jesus over Jillian. And yes, I didn't make that choice last night and watched the kick-off with the girls instead. And yes, I'm going to do that again for the finale. And yes, I'll be watching the show, but I have no idea when it will be each week and it seems kind of silly to post a blog about a show several days after it airs.
Unless, of course, there's something too juicy to pass up and then I'm sure I won't be able to help myself.
But I do have a few thoughts from last night. First, while I think I'm exactly 3 feet taller than her, I really want the girl's clothes. I realize that all those cute coats would be a bit impractical in Austin. And apparently to wear said coats I would need to wander the streets looking all forlorn and melancholy. But still. The girl's got style.
Most of the guys last night on the other hand? Not so much. Seriously--when did they move the show to Miami-Dade county? Was last night about winning over a girl or channeling Crockett and Tubbs? I haven't seen that many pastel shirts parade by in, well, 25 yeas. And I prefer it that way. But I suppose that it was apropos given all the break dancing that went down in the house. Hello there, nice to see you again.
Over all, there were (as always) a few winners and a few crazies right off the top. Tanner is apparently this season's Shannon--gotta love a stalker. Oh, that would be Tanner F. But Tanner P. with the foot fetish is equally crazy. Let's say good-bye to them both. Quickly. And then there's Wes from Austin. UGH...why does this show keep giving my fair city such a bad name? (And yes, we're the live musical capital of the world, but I've never seen someone sitting in a window like that playing the guitar. Come on ABC...we know you hate Brad, but don't bring the rest of us down, too. Thankyousomuch.).
I love that Dave got the first impression rose and imagine that men everywhere who watch this show (because they are forced to by the women in their lives, I'm sure) will start getting "tongue tied" when trying to impress a girl. And go right was pretty darn cute. The Aspiring Canadian guy was good (the shirt was a clever way to stand out without bringing out the crazy). And I immediately liked Juan from LA, but I apparently have a huge crush on SoCal right now, so it might just be that.
All the makings of completely-awful-and-yet-totally-delicious season of entertainment. I've always been a sucker for summer love (even if it is totally make believe).
[Editing to add that Chris Harrison's blog is back. And I didn't read it (or any others) before writing my own. I feel all warm and fuzzy that he welcomed us, his treasured viewers, back exactly the same way I welcomed back our dear friend, 1984. Just sayin'. Oh, and Chris, I'm really trying hard to win Laura back into your fan club. The emotions are still a little raw, but we're working on it.]
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
6 days ago
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