Mr. Obama--could you help us out here? I feel certain it would provide a much needed economic boost. I can tell that from the deluge of Facebook updates that taunt me with stories about all the fun that's being had.
Growing up in a family where my mom was an elementary school teacher and my dad was a college professor we were lucky enough to have this time off together as a family every year. In fact, I was probably 11 before I realized that the whole wide world didn't all get 2 weeks at Christmas, Spring Break and summers all together as a family.This was not an easy realization, and figuring out that this window of free time would eventually shrivel up to a measly 2 to 3 weeks of "Paid Time Off" made me just a little bit bitter. OK...still makes me just a little bit bitter.
This year I decided to at least embrace the spirit of Spring Break and try to enjoy the attitude of the holiday if not the actual reverie of Spring Breaks past. (Ignoring the reality, of course, that work is beyond out of control right now and I've spent the better part of the week fighting off a little virus). I did, however, manage to sneak in a little after hours fun and even a reunion with my dear college friends Suzy and Robin.
And thing got wild and crazy.
A hotel party. Shrieking girls throwing themselves at boys. Bare navels. Even an incident involving coconut lime verbena.
And if I ignore the fact that all that mayhem was at the hands of their five small children running wild it almost sounds like South Padre, the sequel. Except not really anything remotely like it.
But despite the lack of Keystone Light in a can by the pool accompanied by suntan lotion in the form of baby oil, we did have fun and I managed to snap a few pictures.

And come to think of it...I guess I'm enjoying the "rolling" Spring Break. I went to LA 2 weekends ago and caught up with some other old friends there (and yes, I apparently really like this outfit): 

I'm headed back to SoCal next week. I'll try to disregard that this is a business trip and just see if I can keep my "Spring Break" rolling.

I'm headed back to SoCal next week. I'll try to disregard that this is a business trip and just see if I can keep my "Spring Break" rolling.
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