Good grief. The moving? It is A LOT of work!!
Just a quick note tonight to say that:
a) Christmas is 50 hours away...and by the skin of my teeth I am READY. Bring it!
b) I close on my house a week from today. This is the one detail in the whole shebang that I actually don't have to do anything for but show up. Holla!
c) I move in 10 days. That thought? TERRIFIES me! I have so many details to figure out. Like...someone to move me. And, tiny detail...WHERE are they going to move it?! I'm going to take the easiest way out on this one and hire someone to pack, move and store my stuff. Three companies are coming tomorrow and hopefully it will be clear which one is the best choice. Where I'm going to be on the other end, on the other hand...well, we're just considering that an adventure. I'll either ask a friend to go check out some options or I'll sign up for something sight unseen. Or I'll live in a hotel or out of my car for a while. I guess either way I'll figure it out.
I know there will be unexpected complications. I've already had my work email/calendar go completely wonky and they haven't even transferred it for real. The real deal will undoubtedly be a disaster. So I'm just trying to expect it--there will certainly be other details that go awry.
I wish I could say that I'm just rolling with all of this and am as cool as a cucumber. To say such a thing would be a bald face lie.
The truth is that I'm beyond stressed out. The combination of the job expectations (how can be this far behind in a job I started yesterday??), Christmas, closing and vacation next week, the move the following week, and meetings in San Francisco the week after are, well, overwhelming to me.
So...I'm trying to breathe a lot remind myself that I WANT this to all happen and that it will ultimately be a good thing. The way it's all unfolded makes me think that it's a God thing, and if that's true that the details have already been worked out.
That's the theory, of course. The practical, well, it's not so rose-colored and sunny.
For those of you in close proximity who are putting up with me right now, thank you for your patience and your encouragement and your amazing, amazing love and support. I know that I can get pretty tightly wound (yes, I just admitted it), but I hope you know how much I appreciate you!!
WooHoo! Bring on the packing tape and bubble wrap!!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
6 days ago
Wow Moose, I'm excited for you! I went through the same thing in early 99, mmoving from Virginia, out of the military to California, and my first civilian job; it was very scary, full of unknowns... we stayed in a hotel for the first two weeks, til we found a townhome to stay in... a year later we bought a home. It's gonna be hectic, so don't sweat the small stuff, be positive, and enjoy it, you are gonna love it!!